Monday, 7 May 2018

Evaluation Question :

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combinations of the main product and the ancillary texts are effective in following the genre conventions of electro-pop in terms of the stylistic aspects as they mirror one another in the way in which they look to an audience. Therefore, they all link well together.

In terms of visually the music video follows the conventions of the electro-pop genre as the artist has a clear style, she is seen wearing dark clothes throughout with a beret that is key iconography for her. This is because the surrounding locations are so loud and vibrant that we needed something simple for her clothing to juxtapose this and to make her stand out whilst also not drawing the audience in on her too much as we wanted more emphasis on the locations. This is conventional of the genre since it shows a creative experimental approach which is found within videos of this genre. Within doing so we challenged some of Goodwin's theories because we didn't sexualise our artist or focus heavily on her through the use of close ups. This was done with purpose as we didn't want the video to be based around the artist and her appearance as much as we wanted it to be about the song and giving the song meaning throughout the video. In addition to this, our video is targeting young girls and women. Therefore, we didn't want to sexualise her and send a wrong image to that audience.

As for the digipak and poster, after referring to existing products it was clear there wasn't a specific convention that was used within them all. Therefore we had to take the initiative and question the way in which we wanted our artist to be perceived and the image that we wanted her to have. We had key iconography that we wanted associated with her such as the beret, Therefore, it was essential for her to be wearing that in the photos for the digipak. As well as this, it made sense to use God's own Junkyard as the location for the photos because it would help to link the music video and the digipak together and create a bigger image of her in those locations which would create an image of her as a person. Once again helping to sell her as an artist and also helping to sell the music video. The products work well together for this reason as they challenge and conform to the conventions whilst also providing a new image and product that will appeal to the target audience.

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